About April

My name is April

I am an intuitive channel of wisdom, joy and lightness of being.

I have consciously been on the path of ascension with https://alphaimaging.co.nz/ since 2019, and have passed the 7th initiation. I am now a channel for my Higher Self who is an Ascended Master on the second ray of wisdom, joy and lightness of being. I have studied Reiki and many other energy healing modalities for over 18 years. In the beginning, I healed myself. This has given me wonderful positive health - emotionally, mentally, and physically!

I have clarity in my life, and I can live love and happiness easily and as a choice.

My spiritual journey has had some very interesting and great learning events from my physical health to spiritual health which has led me to this very moment. Everything has a reason, everything has a purpose even though we might not see it at the time. Each event has a timeline which leads to the next opening or growth on our inner and outer aspects of life.

I am here to help people understand, and heal from inside out, and truly live-love in their hearts via the wisdom, joy, and light guidance from my own Higher Self, Ascended Masters, Angels, and our guides.


  • Reiki Master

  • Seichim Reiki Master

  • Kundalini Reiki Master

  • Life Coach Practitioner

  • Spiritual Counselor

  • Channeler and Intuitive Healer

healing room with table, couch and massage table in pink
healing room with table, couch and massage table in pink